Betekenis van:
confer with
to confer with
- om raad vragen; raadplegen
to confer with
- (een auto) in een lagere versnelling laten rijden
- I must confer with my colleagues on the matter.
- Whenever I'm in trouble, I confer with him.
- You should confer with your attorney on this matter.
- Your Honor, this is an unexpected development. I need time to confer with my client.
- If you have some troubles, I recommend you confer with him.
- Does the R&E method confer an advantage with respect to the rental method?
- They shall confer with the recognised organisations with a view to achieving consistent interpretation of the international conventions.
- The grants confer a benefit on the companies receiving them in accordance with Article 2(2) of the basic Regulation.
- Mere possession of a uniform visa or a visa with limited territorial validity shall not confer an automatic right of entry.
- When possible, the Director of the Commission Security Directorate shall confer with the Management Group as laid down in Article 1(2) of the present Decision
- Austria argued that overall the approach negotiated with GRAWE and the Consortium was balanced and did not confer an appreciable advantage on either bidder.
- the fact that companies are liable to taxes only if they make profits would confer an advantage on unprofitable companies compared with profitable ones,
- All the powers which the Staff Regulations of Officials of the Communities confer on the appointing authority and which the Conditions of Employment of Other Servants of the Communities confer on the authority competent to conclude contracts of service shall be exercised, with respect to the secretary-general of the EESC, by the bureau.
- All the powers which the Staff Regulations of Officials of the Communities confer on the appointing authority and which the Conditions of Employment of Other Servants of the Communities confer on the authority competent to conclude contracts of service shall be exercised, with respect to the secretary-general of the Committee, by the bureau.
- Where a dispute has been submitted to ad hoc panel proceedings, the ad hoc panel shall at the earliest opportunity confer with the Contracting Parties to the dispute with a view to resolving the dispute expeditiously.